Oct 21, 2016

Teachers wise words?

It was last week or something that all the students in our class had a one on one chat with the teacher about their grades. When it was my turn I first got shown my grades and stuff and my teacher asked me how I liked school and so on.

Then he went on to small talk and asked me "you don't drink, right?" and I said that I don't. My teacher said that when he was around 20 like me he didn't drink that much either, but now he wouldn't be able to live without alcohol. "Nai to muri" he said, lol.

"So maybe that will change for you too" he said, and I smiled and said yeaa maybeeee...

So he thinks that I will probably start drinking and then when I am 40+ like him I too will not be able to live without alcohol?

I guess he didn't realized how sad what he said sounds! Who wants to end up like that? Saying something like that just makes me wanna keep away from alcohol even more. Don't wanna end up feeling like I need alcohol to keep going, that just seems like a very sad life.

Oct 9, 2016

Cat Island Ainoshima in Fukuoka, Japan

Last month I went on a small trip to Fukuoka, and on the last day I went to Ainoshima, which is the cat island of Fukuoka!

I have always wanted to go to a cat island and I didn't even know there was one near Fukuoka, so good thing I checked right before leaving.

I had totally forgotten how awesome just hanging out with cats is! It was the best day of the trip and the best day I've had in a long time. Just sitting down anywhere you want, with a bunch of cuddly cats around you, is something I truly wish would be possible in my daily life.

Even though being with cats is pretty much the only thing you can do on this island, it is more than enough. The time went by so fast before I suddenly had to leave all my new friends, and for days all I could think about was cats, haha.

I had a great time on the island, and even though I didn't bring food with me there were several cats that seemed happy with just attention and cuddles. One kitten even slept in my lap for a while.

Some of the cats look sick, and some are really skinny, but there are still many that are in quite a good shape for strays. Still, if you are like me, you will probably feel bad for the cats and want to take them all home with you anyway! 

One thing good to know is that the people who live on the island seem to like the cats, I saw a fisherman sitting by the port fishing, petting a stray cat next to him. It looked like a really nice moment.

There were some tourists there, but it was certainly not crowded. Most of the time I was alone with a few cats at a time, so you don't have to wait for your turn to pet them etc most of the time.

All in all, had a great time, wanna go again. Time for pics:

This one was my first cuddle-buddy! Haha

I decided to walk around the island, but I don't really recommend it, there was nothing to see (then again I didn't have a map) and I felt like I missed quality time with the cats from this trip.

This snot faced skinny baby was super tiny, but really cuddly and playful. Wish I could've taken it home with me..