Mar 1, 2014

Osaka Sogo College of Design 大阪総合デザイン専門学校

Now I know where I will continue to after a year at the language school - Osaka Sogo College of Design - The manga department.
Looks like my life in Japan will be all in Osaka. Feels good. Right in the middle of Japan, a funny accent, "near" the sea and of course not as  many people as in Tokyo.

Sad thing though, I can't understand a lot from the schools homepage because it's all in Japanese and most in Java (meaning you can't use google translate)!
If I'm correct, the school doesn't have any dorms (because they'd probably have pictures of them if they had any, and I can't find pictures of any dorms) so I guess I have to find an apartment. Hopefully I can get one close that I can share with a Japanese person, but we'll see. Living alone isn't bad either.

The school is around 30 minutes from Osaka Language Education Center, if you walk and go by train. I don't know if it's as near the city center (it's in Kita ward) as Tennouji but it seems good.

Really want to go now! Just one month left (heck yeah!).


  1. A funny accent? How dare you assign adjectives to accents
    in which you dont even know how to distinguish which accent is which
    much less assign your personal opinions based on what you ve heard

    Perhaps no one comments because people have such brilliant lives yours pales against even the dullest of them.
    Mayhaps yours is so unattainable they all dismiss it as a fleeting dream.
    Whatever the reason, your posts are ignored.
    Think about it.

    1. I am the pure definition of love.
      You cannot even compare to a fraction of mah luv.
