Mar 16, 2014

The 2014 Swedish invasion of Japan!

The invasion I am talking about is the "high" number of people that I in some way know, that are going to Japan this year to study. My cousin and a friend from my first Japanese course are both going to Osaka, funding their studies by themselves. (By the way, me and my cousin going to Japan the same year and to the same city as well was a total coincidence). There are also two more Swedes going to Japan on the same scholarship as me and one for another scholarship that I met and felt like I got to know at the last embassy meeting. Last the person that didn't get the scholarship that we got will be going self funded.
Those are all the people I know in someway, five in total. I didn't count the people I don't know that are also going on a scholarship to Japan (I only met them at the meeting and didn't get to know them very well) we we're 9 in total, I think. Most people will be going this April, but a few are coming in later.

So yea, maybe 5 doesn't sound like a lot but it feels strange to already know so many people that are going to Japan. To me it really feels like a Swedish invasion of some sort!

1 comment:

  1. You must understand
    nothing is simply coincidence
    it is the will of your higher self
    the complex threads of each individual thread of life entwining with each other
    the predetermined plann in action.

    There should be more invasions of 5 around the world.
    Think of how peaceful the world would be.
    Like 5 culture bombs in civ 4.
    Imagine the destruction you possess in your hands.
    Learn to wield it with clarity
    with responsibility.
    with liberty.
    Foster others to wield theirs
    and together you shall dominate the world.
    Force others to eat surstromming
    and succeed you shall
    wreaking havoc across worlds.
