Mar 30, 2014

Last days in Sweden

On Tuesday I will take the plane to the airport in Stockholm and from there get on a plane to Finland and from Finland to Japan!
I tried packing my big luggage bag today (the one that you get to have 23 kg in) and quickly realised that I had to leave a lot at home. Even leaving some stuff behind it was still hard to shut the bag. Most of it is just clothes that I could buy new pairs of but since I'm cheap I'd rather just bring with me what I have and not buy any new clothing unless I really have to. I hope I don't have to get rid of even more stuff for the bag to go within the 23 kg boundary...

Moving on: Tomorrow I will have dinner with my family + a childhood friend of mine that I haven't met for a while now. Yesterday I was out with one of my parents and my 2 younger siblings to an Italian restaurant (because Italian food is awesome) and then to the cinema to see a nice Swedish comedy movie.

I'm also going to go to the store to buy some "werid" Swedish candy and Lakrits to bring to Japan. The plan is that if I manage to make any friends I'll get them to try a bit of Lakrits *evil plan* and hopefully they'll still want to stay my friends afterwards..

Next time I'll update, I will be in Japan (unless the plane f's up and we end up in the ocean outside of Australia).



  1. Little did you know
    you were 23 kg all along
    and had to ditch all the luggage just to haul your own sorry ass halfway across the world.

    I thought i said surstromming.
    what happened to that
    what disgrace
    you defile the purity of swedish culture.
    if anyone had the power to f up a plane
    it would be you.

    1. i know weird guy
      he cannot write poetry
      even though he try

    2. i tri
      everi taime.
