Apr 9, 2014

I've made it one week in Japan!

Finally my first update from Japan! We got internet to our rooms just yesterday so not until that time could I finally speak to my parents on Skype. Now I've spoken with both of them (with mom I spoke from 12 to 01.40 at night and I still didn't want to stop. I miss my parents so much (aka it's hard to grow up!).

So far we haven't had any classes yet so I have spent most of my days sleeping until noon, visiting nearby stores and going to supermarkets to buy food.
Today I went with two others to a department store because one of them needed clothing for the entrance ceremony, when it was all done we bought some things at a grocery store and then went to "Mister Donuts" (you can guess what you do at that place). It was really tasty, I want to go there many more times (no, mom, I will not go there every day so don't worry).

Later the same day we ate dinner at 7 in the nearby park. It was really beautiful, full of sakura and lanterns in the trees but unfortunately the pictures I took didn't really catch that beauty.

The entrance ceremony is tomorrow at 10 in the morning and I am looking forward to it right now, buuut, I have to idea what it really is all about so it might be very boring. Still, nice to finally be close to starting school, because on Friday we have our placement tests and then on Monday we finally start class.

Here are some obligatory pictures:

 (Took it just because it's manga)

   (Sakura from the park near our school)


  1. Vilka härliga bilder från parken...
    Saknar dig med men vi hörs på fredag kväll!!
    kramar från mamma

  2. At Mister Donuts
    you try and gaze at donuts while spearing them
    with your trusty scythe.
    Do you expect humans with no knowledge about anthromorphic donuts
    know the actions those who enter the godforsaken area of respected donuts?
    How narrow must your world view be?
    How can you not see?
    You do not catch the beauty of nature
    simply due to your own nature -
    that is, that of a piece of manure.
