Apr 11, 2014

Schools Japanese Proficiency Test

Test time!

Started at nine, ended at twelve. 3/5 tests for me.

There are nine different classes, and where you will go depends on your ability to speak/write the Japanese language. If you did well enough on one test, you got to move on to the next one, five being the last possible to get to. Like written, I got to number three, but then I had to go to an interview with a teacher too and it didn't go all that well. For the first 2-3 short sentences I uttered I forgot to be polite and I often didn't hear the questions fully. The interview was very short and I didn't get to say that much so I don't think the person could really know my Japanese language ability, but it'll probably be okay.

The tests were quickly getting harder, and I didn't feel very good about the second one so it was a slight suprise that they gave the the third one too. On the 1st and 2nd one it actually went pretty well but on the 3rd one the score had really gone down. Still, it was about half if I understood the paper correctly (I was only able to sneak a peak at it).

After the test we ate lunch on the roof again (the weather is awesome right now) and then I went shopping for snacks at Donkihote.

Yesterday we went to a Pakistanian restaurant that was considered a bit expensive (my meal was a bit small and 550 yen = 35 Swe Kr), but still a lot cheaper than it would've been in Sweden.

Some of the candy I bought for tomorrow. I tasted the pink ones and they are really awesome (again the package is too small!).

Pic from the Pakistanian restaurant (biiig nan bread) (not my meal):

In the restaurant you could choose how spicy you wanted it to be from a chart on the wall, 0 was nothing and 5 was the worst. I took 1 and it was spicy enough.

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