Apr 26, 2014

Buying a phone in Japan - The good, the bad and the evil

Hello people! Yesterday we had plans to go to karaoke, but since we finally got our bank accounts those plans changed - it was time to get a cellphone!
After school a few senpais came and gathered all the students who wanted to go get a cellphone. We then went to Soft Bank, and some others to Docomo, to get phones.

There were already a few people from school there and after us came even more, so the small store was cramped, warm and full of chatter.
Most people wanted an i-phone because in Japan they are apparently the cheapest option if you want a new smartphone with internet, etc. The people that got i-phones have to pay around 5000-8000 (?) yen a month from what I heard. To me that was too much though, since I like cheap before style (plus I don't really care for apple).

So I waited for a long time and felt like a total meiwaku just to get the store to squeeze out their cheapest option for me. Finally, after I "refused" the 1800 per month non smartphone, they came out with something that caught my eye. A smartphone you pay only 800 per month for (plus tax ofc, they don't really tell you thath though) - call is free to other Soft Bank cells from 1 am to 9 pm. Internet only when connected to wifi.
At first I felt like "Heck yeah this is the one!" but then they showed me the phone... pink DISNEY phone... Hmmm, pink is NOT my favourite color but I can do with it, right? But DISNEY?! I hate Disney!

I asked if there weren't any other phones that also were 800 a month, but no then it went up to 3000 yen/month again. Soooo.. I now have a pink Disney phone! (Will upload pictures as soon as I've completed my kanji practise at wanikani, cuz I'm in deep kanji-shit right now!).

Felt kinda bummed out over the phone because it's childish, but now I've totaly changed the look of it on the inside and I also ordered a cellphone case to hide the pink. Starting to like the phone now! You can just barely notice the Disney. :)

Okay, here is my phone:

Piiink case, but it's mostly the mouse that I dislike. Ordered a case yesterday to cover it all up, it was a bit expensive but I'm looking forward to getting it.

The front looks alright but I need to find some good stickers to put over the mouse button and the "DisneyMobile" logo. After that and the case I will have almost totaly de-disneyfied this phone! I downloaded a new theme, changed all the bg's, ringtones, deleted disney apps etc etc. Soon I will have an awesome phone with no reminder of disney except for the mousehead that closes the screen..


  1. Can I ask why the hate on Disney? :'D

    1. haha xD I just don't like the looks of the characters and all the singing and all that, I don't get why it's so popular I guess.

  2. Can I ask why the hate on Disney? :'D
