Apr 29, 2014

Studying for the JLPT while the rain is pouring down

Today we have a day off thanks to "Golden Week", but after this we have to go back to school again because Golden Week this year really isn't a week at all, it's 3 days in total (5 if you count the weekend). The next two days we have off are 5/5 and 6/5, and hopefully on those days it won't be raining all the time.

I have been studying pretty much the whole day, but it has been fun, I've been using the JLPT books I bought yesterday + memrise.com and wanikani.com. Almost didn't even feel like studying.

In July I will be taking the JLPT N3 and before I bought these books I felt really lost and scared that I wasn't going to make it but now that has changed. There might be a possibility of me making it after all. If I can, just like today, get my shit together and study instead of browsing away on the internet.

The school I go to doesn't require you to take the JLPT until you are almost about to graduate, but they still give you the opportunity. I didn't want to do it but my teacher said that I should, so now I am.

I know around half the kanji for the test but what worries me the most is that I wont understand the words and grammar used and therefore get the answers wrong...

68 (?) days left.

This post was super boring so here are some complementary photos:

Seen a lot of these posters which are possibly Takarazuka. Really want to see a play by them sometime.

For kodomo no hi, the carps (?) are already out! Very nice.

Someone had turtles out in the street right in front of their car. o.0

There are not only cat socks for your tables, they come for bottles too! (And is that next to it a penguin?)

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