May 5, 2014

Another day of nerdsomeness in Japan.

Yesterday me and 3 others went to Nipponbashi (?) here in Osaka. It was my "first" time going there but after a while I recognized some stores from when I went to Nanba with my cousin.
It's in this area that they have collected all the very nerdiest things. There are maids in every corner of the streets and every store you walk by sells manga, anime, figurines and games etc etc.

There are a lot of game centers too, and in one of them they had Purikura with cosplay, which we tried! The cosplay was acutally free so it didn't cost anything more than a regular Purikura without cosplay option.

There was a board with characters to pick from.
But almost all the cosplays were already out for rental or in cleaning, so I didn't get my first choice. The one I took though only had size large left, but it still fit like a glove.. wth? o.0 Jap ppl aren't rlly that small right..?
(Not going to show the pics btw xD)

They also had this sign right when you entered the floor. Why would they have these rules, eh?

More pictures:
 First store we entered has this awesome Ironman outside.

In the same place as we took Purikura they also had this vending machine for Katanas (these are short but they had long ones too).

We went to a big manga book store and I bought 2 mangas, one being Bloody + Mary as seen above. Totally new so when I searched for pictures online I only got odd ones of some other manga with sorta the same name...

 We went to the store I was in before, so now I could take some pictures of the YGO figures! This time I didn't see any Kaiba though. And still no Bakura.

Lastly we went to a music store, because that's what I had been bothering everyone about. Found one pretty quickly and I saw the keyboard I had done a bit of research on online. The price was as low as it could get (if you can trust the internet), and a lot lower than it had been in the music store I first looked in. Sooo, I bought it. It was the last one, aka, the one they had on display. But it looked untouched and everything and it's working great.

The store is called TAKE OFF and is located in Nipponbashi, Osaka (I think. Still don't know where to draw the lines between Nanba, Shinsaibashi, Nipponbashi etc. It's all Nanba to me). They also sell cheap guitars, ukuleles etc.

They first song on the list on this keyboard isn't "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" like usually, instead it's the Totoro theme song. *_* Time to learn how to play Tonari no Totoro Totoro ~

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