May 27, 2014

Banpaku park with host families

This Sunday all of the schools students that have a host family went to meet them at Banpaku Park. We went with Sugitani-sensei by subway/train and when we all united with our host families we became around 160 people in total. These 160 people proceeded to Banpaku Kouen which is a HUGE place with lots to see. Didn't have time to see it all though.

Firstly, we all sat down to eat our bento's. Then we got divided into four groups and competed against eachother in three games. Don't know what the first 2 were called but the last one was "Janken train" and was definitely interesting.
In the end the winning team was of course the one I was in (that's a joke, but yeah, my team won)!

Fun and games being over we packed up our stuff and headed in to the museum that was just behind us. It was a museum containing old (and some new) things from different countries. The only thing we found from Sweden was a telephone catalogue...
I'm not really that much of a museum person but I really quite enjoyed it. Comparing to other museums I've been to it is among the more interesting ones. Would've liked it even better though if my feat hadn't hurt so much!

Afterwards I went with my host dad by car to pick up my host mum (first time meeting her) and we went to a Tonkatsu restaurant near their house. They bought me a bigger meal than what they took but luckily I managed to eat it (well, most of it).

Having finished dinner we headed back to their house, which was 3 stories, the 3rd one being a tatami room. It was very beautiful. We had cake and strawberries and before leaving they asked me if I wanted some plates/glasses that they didn't need. I said yes to almost everything because I don't really have much of anything, and it'll come in handy next year when I have to move and will probably live with 1 or 2 other people. They also gave me candy! xD Such nice people.

On the way home I believed the bus took me to the wrong place, but when I got inside the subway station nearby it turns out maybe it wasn't wrong after all. I got home allright!

Sadly I don't have any pictures of this day worth showing, but it was an awesome day.

EDIT: Okey, got me some photo's (not taken by me):

From inside the museum; they had a lot of instruments in one place, especially guitars. Made me wanna play some :v

This is the backside of a huge statue thingy made by a famous Japanese artist (do you call it artist?)

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