Jun 16, 2014

Going shopping in Japan

The one thing I found really entertaining about going shopping in Japan are the weird things you find. They are not at all uncommon, especially when it comes to the English on shirts.

Feast your eyes:

Hmm ... I don't even know what these things are. But they want to strangle you.

 The "famous" mouth thing! You can watch videos about it one youtube. Because I don't remember what it's supposedly good for..

Here we have a close up of how to use it!

Now, let's continue on with some pictures of shirts! I kind of have it as a hobby to keep a look out for funny looking shirts.

Imma make you up, man! Imma make you up so hard!

"Somebody wants to buy your apartment building" Yes, this is a legit shirt, in a legit store...

"Clothes with the perfume of the absent lie in random" .... Whut?!

This shirt says it all, eh?  "When in doubt, throw it out!" Heck yea.

"Think other" Yea, I always do that.

"Freedom without love"

"MOVE Find Yourself"

"On mondays we wear black" .. So I guess you cannot take that bag with you on a Monday..

Found these at an online shopping site: "COMME des FUCKDOWN"

So what can we learn from all of this? Well: Don't buy things that say stuff you don't fully understand. And don't just make things that say things you, and others, don't fully understand. =)

(Thanks for 700+ views btw!) Cya!

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