Jun 24, 2014

Test and Immigration Office

Today we had a test, all students at the school had to take it. It was nothing you had to practice for, it was just to check your level. It was a lot easier than I expected. But still, I made some stupid small mistakes just because I forgot some katakana. Bleh.
Overall, it went well though.
After the test, which ended 12, we didn't have any more school!

Which meant we had time to go to the immigration office.

So after the test I went with some people from my class to the immigration office to hand in our part time job applications. Turns out when you hand in the form you get a paper put in your passport and they tell you to return after one week, and not more than 3 weeks after.
Which means we are going to have to get permission from the school to go, or else we wont be able to get our permissions. Sucks. Now I just  hope everything solves itself so that we can go when we are supposed to..

Sorry for boring post

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