Jun 10, 2014

Kanadajin3 - jvlogger disasters

OBS: If you are not a person "involved in the jvlogging community" (meaning in my opinion that you don't watch channels like Ciaela, Kanadajin3, Sharla in Japan, Gimmeabreakman etc, then you can go ahead and skip this post). =)

If you are subscribed to the people above, though, or know them somehow then you might want to read.

Seems like a strange thing happened on youtube - a famous jvlogger (kanadajin3) seems to have been creating several fake accounts to bash other Jvloggers who thought she was their friend.

Please watch the videos below if you haven't already.

I used to be subscribed to Kanadajin3 and I think she has a lot of helpful videos, but when I heard about this I had to unsubscribe. Still waiting around to see if she comes with a response video explaining her behavior or coming with some evidence that she infact didn't do anything at all.

I just wanted to point out that this thing happened so that people that might not know yet get to know it now. Cya!

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