Jun 9, 2014

Dirty, dirty scholarship students..

The MEXT scholarship which got me to Japan requires you to live in the dorm of the language school you attend the first year. Meaning almost everyone in the dorm are scholarship students. Which, in a way, makes what I write about in this post, even worse.

Now, at my school the dorm has 3 floors and on the floor I live people most often leave their dirty dishes and pans (and food) in the very small kitchen, in everyones way, until they need to use it again. The floors are full of pieces of vegetables and you do not want to walk in there without slippers.
I am not one of the people that cause this mess, luckily. I always clean my pans directly after use and my dirty dishes I pile up in my room o.o ... atleast no one else has to see them..

Anyway, a few days ago there was a new note in the kitchen telling us how disgusting it was, how the other floors kept their kitchens a lot cleaner (click on the pic to make it bigger):

This is what the kitchen might look like on a normal day (though usually there's even more shit there, leaving no space to cut vegetables etc):

Even after the note there are still people leaving their stuff in the kitchen. But hopefully it gets better.

But it doesn't end there, because today everyone living on my floor were called to the "office" and we were told something quite bad. As they told us; someone has used the shower room as a toilet.
Hmm, what does that make you think of? Personally I'm thinking that someone went nr 2 in the showers. But since I don't know the details I cannot be sure.

The people cleaning the place had complained about an awful smell, apparently. And now I don't want to shower anymore..

I like dorm life, there's always lot's of friends around. But why did I end up on the same floor as all the dirty people!

1 comment:

  1. And now you know why I _don't_ like being in dorms or around people. (Strangers, at least ... if I know the people well and can trust them, then I wouldn't mind living with them.)

    (*cough cough* You should see my workbench ... yes, I too am guilty of "organized" chaos. At least I don't leave food sitting around, nor do I poop in the shower, for that matter!)
