Jun 29, 2014

Youtube Jvloggers meetup

Yesterday I exited the dorm house at around 5.15 pm to go to a youtube jvlogger gathering (anyone could come, blogger or not). It was supposed to be a 20 minute walk from where I live, according to google maps. But ofcourse I got lost even though it had looked so easy on maps! In the end I asked a Japanese person for the way cause I realised I had started walking back the road I came from in my searching. The person actually followed me all the way to where I needed to go, themselves also asking other people along the way. People sure can be nice at times.

I had been very afraid of going to the meetup, because I am a socially awkward person to the bone. But in the end the thought of meeting some amazing vloggers concoured my fears. So I went, and I had the most awesome time!

There were so many jvloggers there that I knew, and I got a chance to atleast speak a few sentences with most of them. Very happy to have met them. I also met some people that weren't jvloggers, and that was just as fun. I met my senpai, a fellow Swede, who had gone to my school before. People actually told me I should contact her but I couldn't find her, so glad to have met her there.

Also met this guy from Chicago, US, a Brown student here on an exchange. He was really awesome, I felt we had so much in common and I'd love to hang out with him again if he'd wanna. But, he lives in Kobe which is atleast an hour away by train (I think). Might make meeting up a bit harder.
Sad thing though (not that it's a legit complain but still), he is so tall! I feel like a kid next to him. Probably the same length as my cousin. Why must everyone be so much taller than me? Lol. No, it's fine, just silly me.

Yea, you get the feels. It was great! I walked away from there with a smile on my face (though that dropped since I got lost again.. so annoying). A 20 min walk became 45 minutes both on the way there and back. Good thing I left fairly early so that I made it back before they close the dorm. o.o

If you ever have the chance to go to one of these meetups, you should do it! I got to meet Victor(gimmeabreakman), Tomoko, Regan, AbroadInJapan, BusanKevin, Unrested and so on! Also met a really nice guy that has been in a few other peoples videos. He works for google and actually has a Japanese Citizenship and (I guess that's why, because I heard you have to take a Japanese name if you get citizenship) a Japanese name.

But even if you don't really speak with your idols it's still great fun. You meet people. You can make friends you maybe wouldn't have found otherwise. =D Gotta sleep now, bye!

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