Jun 9, 2014

First culture shock! (Not a Japanese one)

Yo! Talked to a good friend in the dorm yesterday about how they celebrate christmas in their country. The answer I got was very surprising, to say the least.
They started off with the very common: "Well, we all get together with all our relatives and have a party ..."
BUT THEN: "... and then we kill some pigs with machete's, cut out their heart's, put them on a stick, and grill them over a fire."

Come again?!

The only thing I could do was laugh! I've never heard of anything like this, and if someone said that they do this for christmas in Sweden they wouldn't be believed.
Haha. And here people complain about Swedens strange christmas tradition: Stop everything you are doing at 3 o' clock  to watch one hour of old boring Disney clips (same clips every year).

I don't feel so bad about that tradition now that I've heard about this one!

My friend, don't let me come do your country at christmas.. =)

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