Jun 7, 2014

Yodobashi camera, Japanese Kids stores and Moomin

A while a go I went with a friend to Yodobashi Camera in Umeda. It's a big department store with anything you could possibly want. Even after returning to floors we had already been on we discovered new things. What I found really interesting was the kids store they had in there (pics below). It had a lot of interesting toys that you would never be able to find in Sweden (or atleast you couldn't when I was a kid).

First, here are two statues they had in the game section:
Very nice statue, not sure from which game tho.
 Yay, Mario!

Here are some pics of the kids section:
 Firstly we have some Pikachu's ready for the Brazil world cup. Because if I got it right, it seems like Pikachu is the Japanese team's mascot in the world cup.. ?

 Finally a good sized Pokéball! Too bad the Pokémon are still too small. Anyway, I like!

 If you are a kid that enjoys "Littlest Pet Shop" then you should consider trying the Pokémon version as well. Comes with a Pokémon, some fake food, furniture etc. Was surprised to see these, actually, but I guess it's a good idea. You can make your own Pokémon dollhouse..

 Last but not least from the kid's section we have this very strange mixup between Hello Kitty and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle's... I really don't know what to say about this. I like both of them but seeing them together like this is not really as satisfying as one would imagine... what do you think?

Ah, well. Following here are just some pics of iPhone cases with Moomin on them. Never thought I'd see that either but what do you know. Japan never seizes to surprise you. Then again, I've only been here for 2 months. =)


  1. |"Japan never seizes to surprise you. Then again, I've only been here
    |for 2 months. =)"
    So have you found one of those used panty vending machines yet?
    (Just for laughs tho ... I swear, I'm not suggesting anything! XD)

    1. Haha no I have found a panty vending machine just yet, but I have seen the vending machines with small panties you can put on a bottle of water etc xD
