Jun 20, 2014

Happy midsummer!

This has nothing to do with Japan, but still.

Today this year is a holiday called "Midsommar" in Sweden (where I'm from) and on this day you take your kids and dance around a big pole clad in flowers and leaves. You sit in the grass eating some cookies, drinking some coffee while listening to some music played by a local band.

Later, you take your kids out to pick 7 different kinds of flowers, because if you do that on this day and then put the flowers under your pillow, you will dream about your fated significant other.
Thing is, it never works..

Then after your kids are asleep, with flowers under their pillows, all the parents gather to get really drunk and eat some disgusting fish.


This day is celebrated because it's the day in Sweden when the sun is up the longest. Supposedly you could say it's the "brightest" day of the year, but almost every year it's raining on this day.

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