Jun 18, 2014

Got my part time job permission!

Turns out you are not really allowed to do a part time job here in Japan if you are here on a MEXT scholarship. There are exceptions though. If you have a really good reason, you can get allowance to apply for "permission to engage in activity other than that permitted under the status of residence previously granted".
So, what we scholarship students have to do (atleast at this school) except for handing in the normal application paper to our homeroom teacher and then to another higher standing teacher, it to write a "sakubun".

A sakubun is like an essay. A paper explaning why you want a part time job, basically why you NEED to have a part time job in order to "survive".
You write your reasons, and then a summary of how much you make per month and how much you spend.  Also when you plan on doing part time work, and how much.

Lastly how much you think your expenses will be for next year (when moving and entering a new school) and how much you think you need to work to cover these expenses. I wrote that I only want to work during holidays so I didn't have to that, though.

Oh, on the first paper I talked about you have to write what kind of job you think you'll be engaging in when you start a part time job. Example: Working at a restaurant, store etc.

When you hand in these two papers the high standing teacher will decide if your reason is good enough. And if it is, give you permission.

If that happens, the teacher will tell you about what jobs you can and cannot do (no nightjobs, no working at Pachinko etc.) and then you have to sign a paper saying that you will not let your working affect your school life.

And you're done! Well, not really. But this is the last stage (if I'm correct) where you actually get the real application paper and take it with you to "Nyuukokukourikyoku" and get your permission. After that, you can get a part time job without it being illegal!

Isn't that nice? ^-^

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