Apr 10, 2014

Entrance Ceremony

Got up "early" today to get ready for the entrance ceremony at 10 o' clock. I was wearing a suit like lot's of others but many students were wearing their national outfits which was fun to see. I don't think Sweden has a national outfit though, and if it does it's, it's probably the clothes that look like this:
And NO ONE wants to wear that (except old people on Midsummer's day).

All the new students their student card and were then allowed to enter the room of the ceremony.
Aparently you have to have this card with you wherever you go, just like the resident card (Japan why you so strict, eh?).

The ceremony was all in Japanese so I didn't understand that much, neither did most of the others so the clapping was kind of awkward "ok, should we clap now? no? now? ok! *clap.. clap CLAPCLAPCLAP*".
After the ceremony though, we got to see a video about the school and two older students explained in English everything that was going on in the video.

At the entrance ceremony

Stupid selfie of me in suit (you can not even see the suit that well -.-)

Tonight I'm going to a restaurant with some people and tomorrow morning is the placement test!

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