Apr 14, 2014

School start

Today school started. Got up at 8 and at 9 I was seated in the classroom where class E will be residing from now on. I am in the same class with a few other people that I already know, so that's nice. There are also a lot of new faces, people that don't live in the school dorms but in their own apartments.

We got to meat 2 teachers today and will have 8 different in total. Both of todays teachers were very nice and classes were fun. A bit repetetive though, but I suppose you can't avoid that when you never know how much the others in your class knows. Teachers have to go by the books too so..

Suddenly, even though we didn't get that much homework today, I feel that I have much less time! That's why I am hurrying to write this post, then I'll finish Wanikani and start to try and memorize the on/kun-yomi for the kanji we're to learn by tomorrow. Gah, so much I wont have time for that I put on my list to do every day, lol.

Anyway, it feels fun to finally have started school, and the 6 hours passed by really quickly.

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