After lunch we started searching for stores with manga/games/figurines, mostly because the nerdy me really wanted to :)! And we must've walked right into Nanbas OTAKU part because soon every store was full of what I mentioned above.
First store we went to they had manga, but most of all, they had cosplay and A LOT of VERY otaku-like things like half naked girl/boy body pillows and a corner where you could play some sort of geeky cardgame (though I like geeky cardgames so..). Took a lot of videos in these stores, so you can see what I mean later!
In another store I found figurines of YU-GI-OH characters even! They had Yami Marik, Yami Yuugi and Kaiba, if they would've had Yami Bakura it would've been hard to stop myself from buying it.. (Yes, I love YGO)! In another store I also found Link figurines, one small and one big and I really want the big one because it looks amazing, but but, very expensive >.<
I did buy some things though, most of which are just super boring so I wont mention them, but one being a book full of different poses for manga characters. Since I suck at coming up with poses I feel this book was a catch, and maybe in half a year I can actually read it too!
We got really lucky (at least I feel that way) because we came just in time for a performance of some sort of traditional Japanese dance. I was able to shoot a video of it so if you wanna see what I mean and maybe tell me what it's called, check it out on youtube in the future.
After walking/standing for 5.5 hours though, we we're both tired and decided to call it a day. Walking home it was a total of 6 hours and my feet kept hurting for about 2 more.
It was so much fun though, I would do it again any day. Next time though, I want to find the cat caf'e!
These games are from a shop that I think sold only "vintage games" and consoles. Really wanna try the Pokémon game there..
Yeah... they have those horse masks here too -.-
Below, famous sign in Nanba, you just gotta take a pic of that, everyone does!
Just cuz, whut?
Below is the book I bought

Link figures! The first one is the small one, the one below is the big one.
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