Dec 2, 2014

Arashiyama in Kyoto

Right now it's the season to go look at red leaves. It's a thing in Japan, just like it is to watch the sakura in spring.

My hostfamily invited me and my friends to go to Arashiyama (we we're a part of a big group of foreign students, around 50 people) which is in Kyoto. Arashiyama means "storm mountain".

Me and my friends were all really exited to go, but unfortunately I got a really bad cold that day, I couldn't breathe and could barely keep my eyes open. It really stopped me from enjoying the place to the fullest.

There were A LOT of people at Arashiyama and we had to stand in a really long line just to be able to cross a bridge, lol. With all the people I couldn't take a lot of nice photo's but I'll post what I got that is good enough! =)

This is what we came for:

Really like all these small leaves on the mossy ground:

This is a bamboo grove, it doesn't look so special in my pictures but in real life it was really nice to walk through it!

 At the end of the bamboo grove you walk a little bit more and get to the "top" of the mountain. You can then walk down the other way and walk back to the station along the water.

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