Feb 11, 2015

XMas food in Japan ?

 I went to the nearby store on christmas just to buy some food, not even thinking about the fact that it was xmas because nothing near me indicated so. At home we always decorate inside, and the snow decorates outside, but in Japan I had nothing of that.

Anyway, when I got to the store I was pleasantly surprised to see that where they normally have the bento I every so often buy, they now had a bunch of new things!

I didn't buy these, but they look good. They are like cones of ... sushi rolls? Not sure. 
Behind them there are sushi rolls - rolled in pancake o.0

Don't remember where this came from but the text is funny: "Santa Claus is a big star for us." o.0 Ok then.

 I guess this bowl of goddies became my main xmas dinner. Too bad for me I dropped about half of it on the floor when trying to put it in the microwave..

The white thing wrapped in plastic is edible. Or so I thought. Turns out it's mochi that is stone hard.. I gave it to a friend. The reason I got this without even knowing what it was is because they had had it in the store for quite some time and after xmas they probably wouldn't have them anymore so I got one. And also, you get a free cat.

In Japan they like to eat chicken on xmas. 

I also got myself a pizza, because it looked great and it was the first time that they had this kind of fresh pizza for sale. Very xmas-y.

Sushi for xmas!

More sushi cones!..? I don't really know what it is.

And here's the mochi again.

Even bigger ones!

Delicious! =D

Last but not least, they acutally had some xmas candy things for the kids - with Pikachuu! Almost bought one.

I know xmas was quite some time ago but I just wanted to upload these pictures really bad ^-^ can't wait to get some of this years xmas food aswell!

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