Dec 14, 2015

Crazy gacha in Japan

Gacha! You put in your coins and turn the lever and out comes this little ball which you might have to smash just to get to whatever is inside.
I Saw all these gacha at yodobashi kamera, and there were a lot of weird ones! Took pics of the most interesting ones, and some so uninteresting I wonder how it's even allowed to be sold.

Now this one was interesting simply because it is so uninteresting. It's friggin plastic grass! Who would buy this?!

It says that this is the obachan (aunt, lady) of Osaka. So I guess if you come to Osaka you will see these types of slightly older ladies haha.

These are very popular it seems. I have seen many different versions of this girl crushed(?) under a glass.

And this is... a sausage? I don't even know.

It says that this is: "Cool Dog" but to me it just looks ugly. Also saw a big statue of this "cool dog" in a mall...

Tiny trash can! (Because why not!)

Cats as various things (which seems to be a popular gacha theme)

Girls as sushi!

It says that it's for people who love baseball. A super tiny arena..

I really don't know what this is

At first glance this one might look normal but check the character to the far right X_X
I have seen this before! Where they have all the normal characters but then there is one rly ugly/funny that atleast I don't want that I will of course get if I put in the money!!

Behold all the banana animals that will come! z_z I never thought you could make bananas cute but Japan has proven anything is possible!
This is a grilled banana parrot!

This is a mushroom parrot! x_x

This is a ghost banana

And this was just an ugly banana

This is just a bananapeel yet it's like the cutest thing you have ever seen! WTF

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