Oct 30, 2017

Got accepted to my "second scholarship"!

While I can say "I got accepted to another scholarship!", it's not that big of a deal this time. It's not like it's a 3 year all expenses paid scholarship like last time, but still, it's fun!

I applied for the Google/Udacity developer scholarship just for fun because someone had linked to it on facebook. I signed up thinking that all you needed to do was show your interest, but as it was you also had to state why YOU would be "worthy" of the scholarship.

When I got that far I thought, well I am not worthy so I should just make that clear. So I wrote a bit about myself just saying that I am a student very interested in web developement and the likes. And that they shouldn't give the scholarship to me since there are people out there who deserve it more/need it more than I do.

With this I thought for sure that I would not get the scholarship, so imagine my surprise when I saw the "acceptance letter" in my mail today. I don't know who saw my application and thought it "stood out", but thanks, I guess. Though I am now thinking they probably had an algorithm or something sorting through the applications rather than actual human beings, and that's how mine somehow slipped by.

Anyway, it seems like this scholarship is for 3 months of free courses on the Udacity website, within your chosen field. (I chose android developement).

I don't really know what to expect, or if I will be able to complete the courses while being a full time student. And it might not be the most extensive scholarship in the world, but I am excited!

Pretty sure they will have more of these scholarships coming out, so if you like web developement/ android developement and are a beginner, be sure to apply! (Cuz you might get it even if your application is crap!)

1 comment:

  1. I always or mostly have a thought in mind that you can't make a joke, but it's proven to be wrong most of the time, since you did and do throw jokes:XD 頑張れ!!
