Nov 23, 2017

Teamwork is hard

We have a course right now called "Team programming". As you can tell the title is pretty straight forward on what the course is about.
We got to choose our own groups for this course and I ended up in a group of friends, and acquaintances. Also I had already worked with two of my friends in the group, and thus knew that they were good workers and great to be on the same team as. Some group members I had no idea how they would work out, if they were good workers or not, but luckliy it turned out that they were really motivated too!

So we got ourselves a good group of hard workers where everyone is on friendly terms, what could go wrong?
Well, obviously just because you're friends doesn't mean you're going to be on good terms all throughout your project.

There were some days where we were all so annoyed with a problem we were having, that were really tough for all of us, and probably had us all at some point thinking "Ugh, I wish I was in another group!". Even though we probably all know that all groups have pretty much the same problems.

The point of this course is not just to program, it's main goal is to teach us how to program as a group. My group still has a long way to go and the teacher hasn't really taught our class how we should go about doing our group work, it was just all left up to us! So now our group is working as one giant mess, which is ok since we just started and not much else can be expected of us since the teacher hasn't given us any concrete instructions.

Anyway group work is fine, and I feel like it's probably a good thing for me, since I am a friggin pessimist that always gets super annoyed and angry when things go wrong, and can't help but take my anger out on other people by getting annoyed at them. I don't even know really how I would say I act when I get annoyed like that, but you can always tell when I am not in a good mood, haha.
It's not that bad of course, I am no monster, but I still don't like that part of myself and I feel like as this project has gone on, I've been able to hide it more and more, and act nicer toward people.
Because it's not nice to sit there and be annoyed by people when they don't deserve it, and in turn they get annoyed by me which isn't fun either. Vicious circle!

Group work is draining my energy right now though, I've lost my will to code, or maybe I just need to get back into it after a weekend of not doing any school work at all.
Right now I just want to go do something fun, instead of sitting at home trying to code whatever vague task I've been assigned for this week.
I should stop complaining... But at least I am doing it here and not in peoples faces, cheers!

Okay, time to go learn some more team work! Cause I need it!

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