May 16, 2018

Nobody likes group projects, right?

I haven't really had time for much of anything lately because of this group project we are doing at school. It's getting very tiring and even though we have a deadline in 2 days for an 18 page report, I am the only one who has contributed to this report so far.
I've reminded my team mates to do it 2 times now, and they always say they will, but have yet to take action to their words.

Now, I have pretty good team mates. There are 2 loafers, and one person who wants to work but doesn't really have the skillset yet to be of much help, and 2 other people have have been working really hard. And then there is me - the only person so far who has cared about things like management and documentation.

I am scared that in the end I will be sitting here finishing our 18 page document on my own. And that's not the only thing we have to worry about. There are so many things we have to finish in a matter of days now, and even so I am the only one at school working!

Yesterday I even got a little frustrated about it, because I felt so alone, and I know that there are those 2 loafers in my group that are just riding on the backs of the people that are driving the work forward (which right now seems to for some reason have boiled down to me mostly, especially since I've since the beginning taken on a strong management position in the team).

I already decided that I shouldn't care about this, and just let it go whatever happens, but sometimes you can't just ignore the fact that these people will pass the course by doing nothing, because me and a select few other people are sitting day in and day out working on this project for them.

This project has had me go haywire a couple of times, I had a little breakdown once and almost had one again this morning, and I know one other person in my group has experienced the same thing. And in most of the other groups too, the people who are actually working are working so hard that they at one point break down.

Meanwhile other team members are just chilling, not answering messages or anything. Some of them are even going out to bars, drinking and having fun while their team members are still at school, trying to earn their mark.

Sometimes I wish I could just give up, but I am not one to let my team down. For the few people in my group that actually care about doing a good job and not letting others down, I have to keep going, because I don't want to let them down.

Also, if there is even a small chance of getting a higher mark, I am going to try to grab it, even though in all honesty, things are looking very grim right now, and I have accepted the great possibility of merely just passing at this point.

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