Nov 23, 2019

Pondering the future again, will it ever end (referring to the pondering)?

I've been back in Gothenburg for a while now, my trip in Korea actually passed by pretty quickly and so has my time here.
When I first came to Korea I wondered how I would make a whole month go by, time felt like it was moving so slowly. But after about a week everything just went by in the blink of an eye. Most days I went out exploring and on the weekend I would go to Seoul to see live traditional performances and go to museums and so on. There was a lot to do in Daejeon as well, though on the smaller scale. Museums, parks, cafes, art related stuff.
The last 2 days of my trip I visited Busan, which I enjoyed a lot! I took a tour there, which visited like 4 different places in one day and that was a bit hectic but an experience in and of itself.

All in all I had a fine time in Korea, nothing to complain about, but it was warm! Even in October my first week there was all 30 degree celcius days. I am just not up for something like this again and after this trip I have decided I will not be studying in South Korea, though I will definitely be back for vacation purposes! Next I want to go to Jeju island, and also back to Busan for a longer visit.

So now I've sadly ruled out Korea as my next study destination and Australia (which was also a contendor) is also off the list because they no longer provide the same kind of scholarships as they did. My list is now very short and I will have to do more research as to where I should study in the future... it either has to be a country where education is free or very cheap or a country that provides good scholarships to cover the education costs.

Then there is this other thing I've been thinking about: I've been wanting to get a dog for years and I thought I would get one after I've taken my masters and started working but since I decided to wait at least a year, possibly longer before pursuing a masters, this is starting to seem like a very distant dream. I wish I could have a dog now, or at least soon. It makes me so sad thinking about this. I could litterally go and buy a dog right now, it could be mine, but buying one is the easy part and after that comes the hard part and I've never owned a dog before so it would not be a good idea to buy one now.
But then I think I could buy it in the summer, maybe my mum would let me stay in her house in June, July, August and I could take care of the puppy there before starting to work in September.
That's probably not going to happen either.
So if not now, and not summer, then when? When will I have the time for this? Man, everything is so much easier with cats and I love cats so much but I love animals in general and I couldn't go through my life without ever owning a dog, you know? It would be such a missed opportunity.

Anyway, I am just feeling very sad about this right now, that's why I am rambling on about it. I shouldn't have recalculated the cost of having a dog because that made me realize that I could have one soon, I could even afford to have one now since I am home most days and thus wouldn't have to pay someone to walk it. Ignorance is bliss, if I had just kept believing that a dog was out of my reach I wouldn't be here now wishing I had one already.

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