Apr 5, 2020

3 years since I left Japan

April fools day was a good day to return to Sweden, it makes it so easy to remember when it's been yet another year since I returned from Japan! So now it's been 3 years, and it's finally the year 2020, the year I graduate from university!

How can this year have felt so far away for such a long time and then the next minute I am suddenly here, wondering what happened to the time inbetween? Not much has happened! These 3 years have been a lot less eventful than my 3 years in Japan. In Japan I would see many more things, travel to more places, eat at different restaurants and cafés. Here in Sweden I have barely traveled, haven't been to a lot of restaurants or cafés in Gothenburg either...

But at least now I can say that I have a favourite café and restaurant in Gothenburg, it just took a long time before it happened. The best restaurant is called "Spanska köket" (The spanish kitchen), and my favourite café so far is "Café Sirius". I still have a lot to explore though, and hopefully I will get the chance to do that! With corona around though, I cannot be certain.

Like I have stated before, I have not completely liked my university program "Software Engineering and Management", it has a lot of potential but needs to get a grip, haha. I don't know how to explain it, but they need better and more organized teachers for many of the courses.

However, this third year of SEM has (unlike the other years) been really chill for me. The first semester I took a bunch of online courses in programming and design and the likes, it was a lot of fun! After that our remaining courses have not had any written exam, just assignments to hand in, and it's been pretty easy to get by and still keep up the grades! I am very suprised about this! In a good way of course, haha, it's been good to take things easy.

After much struggle and annoyance I was able to find a job even before graduating (and before all of this corona stuff, which I am sure makes it more difficult since you can't meet as easily), which is good because it allows me more room to plan things.

I have also found a place to live, since I have to move soon. This place may not be long term, but maybe I will find a more long term place later though, we will see if I can make things work or not. It's just good for now to have some kind of certainty of where I am going from here. There was a while when I wasn't sure if I even wanted to stay in Gothenburg even for just a year or two longer, but I decided to stick it out. There are more fun jobs in the big city, and I want to see what it's like to work here. Can't say I am super excited though, because I am a person that worries a lot, so of course right now there are so many things to worry about for me and that kind of takes away a lot of the excitement of new things happening.

But as long as I can find a stable place to live, and I get hired for real after the 6 month "trial-hire period" is over (I don't remember what it's called in English, haha) I should be fine.

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