Jul 22, 2014

I hate the Japanese sign of summer!

It's gotten friggin hot here in Japan and I, like so many others, couldn't take it anymore and started sleeping with airconditioning on. I hope my bills wont rise an awful lot but we'll see... o.o

Good thing about sleeping with aircondition on is that I close the window before I turn it on. Which saves me the pain of waking up at six o clock just to close the window. I still wake up at six o clock though, maybe even earlier, because of the noise from outside!

I don't know if I should call them crickets or cicadas or something else but they are certainly in that spectrum - because they make noise! But not like crickets/cicadas I've ever heard. No, this is a lot louder and a lot more annoying.

Even with my window closed I wake up from that noise, and walking outside I put my hands over my ears because the sound is just too much. When we first heard it I couldn't determine if it was bugs or if the sound came from a strange machine (because they have been building/demolishing a lot of stuff on the road). But then it just kept coming every day and it just seemed to get worse.

I hate this sound! I don't want to hear it ever. I am very thankful that it's only during the morning. By lunchtime they will have stopped making noise and gone back to whatever they do apart from that.

So, what about the Japanese, do they also feel this hatred? No! Of course not! This is their sign of summer. Now summer has come to us, isn't it lovely?

... No.

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