Aug 3, 2014

Harry Potter!

So finally the day came when I got to go to universal studios again - this time to see the new Harry Potter attractions.

I was really glad to go, so of course it just had to start raining! Thanks to the rain you couldn't ride any of the rollercoasters that were outside.
Also for some reason, today was dispite all the rain, the day when everone decided that they wanted to go to USJ. Around lunchtime all open attractions at the "Harry Potter world" that we wanted to go to, had a 3 hour wait.

I did not get to see the whole thing today, but what I saw I really liked. And I am looking forward to the future when things will have calmed down around HP at USJ so that you don't have to stand in line for 3 hours, and wake up at 6.30, rush to USJ to get in and actually be able to enter the HP world.
Then I wouldn't have been starving all day from not eating breakfast etc. xD

When we got in we ran to the HP world, where a bunch of pine trees were planted as you walk into the village of Hogsmeade. Actually started to feel like I was in Sweden again with all those pine trees.

The houses are all covered in fake snow, and they lead up to the main attraction which is the big castle of Hogwarts. Inside Hogwarts there is a 3D ride and as you stand in line waiting to get to it you get to walk through several rooms of the castle. Dumbledoor's room, the potions classroom, a room with the talking portraits etc. It was all very fun. Made waiting in line that much better.
The ride was fun too, where you get on it the ceiling is like the enchanted one they have in the dining room at Hogwarts. The ride itself is full of dementors and Hermionie's ugly Japanese dubbed voice, haha. The dementors made it feel sorta like you were in a ghost house.

We also went to Ollivanders shop, which is a show where Ollivander chooses a child amongst the people that go into the shop and let's the child try wands until on the third try they find the right one. This Ollivander spoke both English and Japanese mixed, though when he spoke Japanese you could barely hear what he said because his accent was quite bad.
When the show is done you get lead out into the shop where you can buy wands from all different characters.

After that though, because of the lines and the rain there was not much more to do in the HP world. We got some Butter Beer, and checked out the stores etc and then we left to eat.

I only took one picture on that day because I felt I could take some that look better when it's not raining (I bought a year-pass after all so I can go back whenever I want). Got permission to use some other pictures though =P.

I took this picture of the castle, which looks awesome(the castle, not the picture). I wish I had this castle all to myself.

This is a picture from one of the stores, you cannot buy those brooms but if I didn't see wrong(which I might have) they actually did sell brooms too...

Yeah, ugly pic of me. I guess maybe you didn't wanna see that? Haha. ^^'

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