Aug 30, 2014

Trip to mount fuji!

Before the end of the summer holiday the school had a trip to mount fuji you could go on if you wanted to.

But not just Mt. Fuji. On the busride there and back we got to see other things too. ( Below are not my photos, but photos taken by other people that went on the trip. When I have more time I'll upload some of my photos here too.)

You can ride horses up on Mt. Fuji, lol! You can ride from 15 mins to up to 2 hours I think.

Before getting to Mt. Fuji we stopped at this nice waterfall. I'll upload more pictures later. It was awesome. We also got to go to a place where you catch a fish with your own hands and then get to grill it and eat it. Unfortunately one person took pretty much all fish instead of one (as instructed) so me and other people didn't really get a chance to catch a fish.

After that, we got to the hotel, which had Japanese style rooms and a big "onsen" in the cellar (which I didn't go to). We stayed one night and the following day went to Mt. Fuji, and then to visit a place where we had a buffé of grapes!

Some more photos:


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