Aug 19, 2014

Summer Holiday and Cat Café

Yo! Just realised this blog has had a 1000 views. Nice.

I feel that I haven't looked at my blog at all during this summer holiday. Which is weird because I still sit a lot at the computer just watching stupid videos and so on. I have lots of free time! :o But that free time has just made me really lazy! I have only cooked for myself like once or twice this summer, haha. Reasons for that above being lazy is because I hate cooking and the pre-made food is a lot tastier than the crapfood I can cook.

Oh, well. Here's a little post:

I wanted to go to a cat café for a really long time, because I love cat's. Finally the chance came and me and a friend who also likes cat's went there in the rain.
I had high hopes for the café and I was a little disappointed, even though I had fun. I really wanted a cat that liked to cuddle, that would sleep in my lap etc like my cat at home. But these cat's were not going to do that. They barely wanted to be petted. :( I guess there is no replacement for my cat at home even in a country with cat cafés.

This was a flyer for the place we went to, but I can't tell you the name because I cannot read it.

These pics are from inside the café

 I really liked this cat >u<

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