Sep 3, 2014

Inari Jinja - The Fox Shrine

These pictures are from a Shrine in Kyoto for the God Inari (?) which is represented by foxes, because the god uses foxes to run errands for them (?).
This is a big place that goes up and down a mountain - which means, a lot of walking upwards. But it was worth it, even in the warmth. I really liked this place.

 Of course they had some manga character there =P

 At the beginning there are some shops where you can buy a bunch of fox related products, like cakes and masks.

 You often see these foxmasks in anime and manga, but I am not completely sure what they stand for, and what kind of people wear them.

 When you walk up and down the mountain you are surrounded by there gates.

There are foxes to be seen everywhere. Though, they are all in stone.

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