Nov 6, 2014

I got to see dinosaurs!

I've never seen dinosaur skeletons live before so I was really exited that there was a museum close to us that had some. I went there with two of my friends, and even though the amout of skeletons weren't that great, it was still awesome! If I ever get the chance I'd like to go to a museum dedicated to only (or mostly) to dinosaurs. They aught to have more than this one, since it had more parts not about dinosaurs than about them.

I tried taking some pictures with my phone but the lighting wasn't that good so they didn't turn out so well..

Cool, eh? There was also a wale skeleton hanging outside the museum, but sadly I don't have a good picture of that..

The museum lay in a nice big park, so we went for a stroll there too.

It was a nice day =)

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