Oct 27, 2014

Halloween events at USJ

This Sunday I went to Universal Studios Japan again!
This month I really wanted to go because they have this Halloween even with zombies coming out and walking the streets etc.
And also on that day they had some sorta costume competition so there were a lot of cosplayers there and it was really fun to see.

The only downside of it all though, was that there where people there like never before! 3-4 hours plus for all rides available (no thank you!) and even though we went and got our tickets to the Harry Potter world before noon, the time we got for when we could enter was 6.40...
When we decided to go to eat, all the restaurants were packed and with long lines of people outside them waiting. So in the end, we took the train to one station away and ate there.
But then when returning and wanting to enter USJ again we got redirected to another entrance where the said waiting time was 90 minutes!
There were just too many people in there..

But oh well, even though we didn't ride anything and so on there was still things to do. We watched performances and stuff, and took pictures with cosplayers etc. There was also supposed to be a parade, but we missed that during the 90 minute wait to get in, lol.

When the darkness came around, at like 6 o clock the zombie show started. And to be honest, it wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be. But it was interesting hearing people scream haha.

Might be going to USJ with another friend next week, and then I really hope that it wont be as crowded.. Though I was told that it's because of all the Halloween events going on, and they will be going for some more weeks so I suppose not.

Here you have my favourite cosplayers of the day: Kaonashi, No-Face (2 of them):

(Yeah, I'm not to good at the Harry Potter pose, lol)

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