Oct 21, 2014

6 tests!

On Thursday and Friday last week we had 6 tests.
Thursday 5 tests: Math, Socialstudies(?)(meaning Shakai), Nihon Jijou 1 and 2(dunno what it is in English), and Japanese
Friday: English

I felt bad the days before the test because I thought I would probably fail a lot - especially Shakai which has a lot of kanji you need to know!
And then when it was finally over I just felt so relaxed. And also suprised.

Shakai went well, because the day before we were told by the teacher that the questions on the test would be exactly the same as those on our practice sheets, which ment I had sufficient practice. And yes, the test went by easily. Though, I don't know if I've actually learned anything.

Math kinda went as expected. I hope I didn't get a 0.

Nihonjijou 1 and 2 - had a little bit of trouble here with one of the nihonjijou tests. But just found out today that I got 100% right on atleast one of those tests, so maybe the result of the other one isn't so bad either.

Japanese did not go as expected! I am pretty good at all that listening stuff atleast compared to some people but this just felt bad bad bad. My overall score is probably gonna be sucky.. And I thought I had Japanese in the box enough to atleast get a good score on the schools tests (because they are usually easy).
I guess this is around the level of the final test you take before you graduate.

English went fine. As expected. But I was a bit annoyed at one bit there where I might have been making some mistakes (probably, yeh). Also the person (they told me this) next to me copied all my answers, lol, because they cannot speak English. I guess it doesn't really matter but what if you do that and you are great on paper but then when the teachers (not that it happens) speak to you in English you can't say a word, wouldn't that be a dead giveaway for cheating?

Well, glad it's all over with. I hope they don't plan on putting all the big tests together like this again. It's damn annoying. No time to relax...

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