Oct 1, 2014

Dorm life strikes again!

Recently we have been getting notes about people doing their dirty business in the shower rooms, etc. And today we got one saying that apparently someone has poured out noodles or something in there too, therefore blocking the drain.

We also have:

 People not putting on the kitchen fan and thus letting the room fill with smoke until the firealarm starts ringing.

People who hang their DIRTY underwear in the toilet and forgets them.

People who pour their noodles in the sink and making it block the drain.

People who leave their dirty dishes in the kitchen, right in the way of the cleaners that come once a day, thus the cleaners have started taking those and placing them on the floor in the corridor.

Cleaners that all seem to be atleast 50 plus, but more likely around 60 and should all be retired by now. And I'm not trying to be offensive but they don't do a very good job, and because of their age I can sorta understand it.
There's always long hairs on the floor, and the walls are full of dust. The shower rooms  are filled with this brown dirt that I don't know if you even can get rid of anymore!

And apart from this there's lot more to say, that I probably have just pushed to the back of my mind.
Even so I do like it here, sometimes not even knowing why. Haha.

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