Oct 6, 2014

Tyfoon and -> Going back home?

Today we do not have school because there's a tyfoon! But wth, there is no wind outside. Call me uneducated on tyfoons but aren't they being a bit overdramatic here?
I don't mind though. We get another day off :).

Also, I forgot to write about this before I think, but it's a little important so here goes:
If you want to go to Japan on the scholarship that I am here on (you can read about it in some very early posts) then be prepared to not be able to go back home until you've ended the first year at the Japanese Language School and started at your Senmongakkou.

If you aren't here on this scholarship you can leave as you please, but as a scholarship student I need to write a "reason for leave", and if the reason is not in the style of "someone is dying", or "if I don't help out at home something really friggin bad will happen!". They will not let just leave if you write "home sick" or "my family wants me back".

I was planning on going home during the winter holiday because my family really wanted me to, but when I told them about this they agreed that it's best not to lie and just wait. Because next year you don't need to write a "reason form" for going back anymore. Cheers!
But this year when you're studying Japanese they do not want you to go back because they think this is the year when you need to prepare the most.

My teacher also said that not a lot of scholarship students have actually gone back during the first year.

I was thinking it doesn't matter so much, but it means I wont be able to see my family until next years summer holiday and that's almost a year from now. Even though I am not homesick yet a year is still a long time and a lot can happen.

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