Dec 14, 2015

Crazy gacha in Japan

Gacha! You put in your coins and turn the lever and out comes this little ball which you might have to smash just to get to whatever is inside.
I Saw all these gacha at yodobashi kamera, and there were a lot of weird ones! Took pics of the most interesting ones, and some so uninteresting I wonder how it's even allowed to be sold.

Now this one was interesting simply because it is so uninteresting. It's friggin plastic grass! Who would buy this?!

It says that this is the obachan (aunt, lady) of Osaka. So I guess if you come to Osaka you will see these types of slightly older ladies haha.

These are very popular it seems. I have seen many different versions of this girl crushed(?) under a glass.

And this is... a sausage? I don't even know.

It says that this is: "Cool Dog" but to me it just looks ugly. Also saw a big statue of this "cool dog" in a mall...

Tiny trash can! (Because why not!)

Cats as various things (which seems to be a popular gacha theme)

Girls as sushi!

It says that it's for people who love baseball. A super tiny arena..

I really don't know what this is

At first glance this one might look normal but check the character to the far right X_X
I have seen this before! Where they have all the normal characters but then there is one rly ugly/funny that atleast I don't want that I will of course get if I put in the money!!

Behold all the banana animals that will come! z_z I never thought you could make bananas cute but Japan has proven anything is possible!
This is a grilled banana parrot!

This is a mushroom parrot! x_x

This is a ghost banana

And this was just an ugly banana

This is just a bananapeel yet it's like the cutest thing you have ever seen! WTF

Nov 4, 2015

Halloween 2015

I love Halloween in Japan! :) (Photos taken by a friend but I was standing right next to them most of the time so I saw the same things ^^)
I wish we could have walked around on the streets a lot longer, like we did last year, cuz that's where things are going on! So many weird costumes, cars, etc (like flame throwers!). But our group had plans to meet up and go to a bar, and I just followed the flow so this year I didn't see as much as last year.
After the bar we went to karaoke, and stayed til 5 in the morning.

Random person with scary Halloween make and gigant gun

So many bikers in kigurumi

Red limousine o.o

Scary clown and cat woman(?) doing illegal stuff haha

Yes, fire thrower, right in front of us

Oct 13, 2015

Small things about Japan I could not forsee

Before coming to Japan I did a lot of research about the country, so as to not have as much of a culture shock experience I guess.
But the things I researched about were big things, like for example, gender equality, school system, work life etc. I didn't even think about doing research about small things that might seem insignificant, but that might still affect you in some way.
Anyway, I made a list of some of the things:

1. The heat! - I knew Japan would be hotter than Sweden but I thought I would be allright. I was wrong! I did not think about the humidity here, which seems to always be very high, and it makes everything feel several times hotter than it is. In the summer you just have to stand outside for about 2 minutes and you will be drenched in sweat (or atleast I am, lol).

2. Cheese - Japan has no real cheese! Atleast you wont find it in any of your common grocery stores. What they have is this pre-sliced very bad excuse for a cheese. It doesn't taste nor smell like cheese. If you melt it in the microwave it will look like melted plastic, which is probably what it is, cuz it aint cheese! I've tried to find cheese online, but so far I've only been able to find Gouda, which is not that great but 1000 times better than the pre-sliced plastic.

3. Bread - (Yea, there will be a lot about food) They don't have "dark" bread in Japan (full grain bread etc). The only bread they have are these white square toasts which suck ass. Don't ever wanna eat toast again thanks to Japan. Sometimes you can find sorta home baked style bread but it's never full grain, the packages are very small (like 3 pieces in one pack), and kinda expensive.
Thanks to this I've been trying to make my own bread, but it hasn't gone that well so far, lol.

4. Fruit is too expensive! - There are not a lot of fruit options here compared to Sweden, and the prices are sky high, so, wtf!

5. Vegetables are flippin small! - The cucumbers in Sweden look like they're on steroids if you compare them to Japanese ones.

6. Gendered toilets - Maybe this is normal in most countries but not in Sweden. So I was very surprised about the fact that the toilets are ALWAYS separated by gender. Meh.

7. Square cars - I thought Japan exported all their cars, but I was dead wrong because I've never seen these square types of cars in any other country. Here you can see them everywhere.
They are small and slim, incase you couldn't see that.

8. Houses have no gardens - sucks.

9. Bikes hold 2 kids at a time - and the kids almost never wear helmets.

10. Umbrellas on bikes - They have contraptions on their bikes to hold the umbrella for a rainy day! It's actuallt illegal but no one cares.

11. Umbrellas for the sun - I've talked about this before but people here use umbrellas to cover from the sun. Some people are so paranoid that they use the umbrellas when there is neither sun nor rain.

12. Cakes/coffeebread aren't that good. I basically don't order dessert anymore because I probably wont like it anyway.

Sep 9, 2015

Back in Japan, homesick and stomach sick

I got back to Japan a while ago now and when I did not feel any happiness about being back initially. It would have been better to have started school just the day after because then I could get back into things. But as we had planned it I had a few days "to rest" before school started, which had sounded like a good idea but maybe it wasn't.

I never felt home sick like this before. I got through a year in Japan without feeling home sick. But coming back home and having to leave after a mere month just took a toll on me. I felt like since I now had spent 1.5 years in Japan I wanted to atleast spend that much time at home. But that's impossible!

Leaving home and coming back to a place where you do not want to be at the moment is hard. And the parents that were just there to hug you are now just a moving picture on the computer screen again. For a few days it felt unreal.

After this school started and I could only go one day before I got sick and I had to skip school for 3 days.
I have never been sick like this before, and I had to go to the doctor just because I didn't know what it was and I've never had this "sickness" before.

Anyway, it started Tuesday and I went to the doctor and got pills on Thursday. I got pills for a total of four days so on Sunday I took the last of them and even by then it (the "sickness") wasn't totally gone. Still, I went to school on Monday and by Tuesday it seemed to be completely gone.

So yea, since coming back to Japan I haven't had the best of times but atleast now I'm not sick anymore and the homesickness has toned itself down. I still feel like I wanna go home as soon as possible, but I am pretty sure it will change after a while because I have felt before that I would in fact like to stay here longer than the 1.5 years I have left.

I'm just confused about my feelings and what I want. Also, even though I want to go home and I am thinking about going during the winter holiday, I am afraid that if I go back I will have to feel all of this home sickness all over again. And I really don't want that.

Aug 15, 2015

Back in Sweden!

Since coming back to Sweden I haven't really been writing on my blog, I really totally forgot about it.
But then again while being here I don't think I will write about anything special, instead I will take it up again when  I get back to Japan.

Some thoughts/updates:

Anyway, yesterday I met one of my friends who had applied for the scholarship I got to Japan on and they didn't get recommended for it which sucks. I really thought I would see them in Japan next year.

Started looking into going to university in Sweden  for when I come back to Japan. I think I have finally found what I want to study and work as when it's done. I have never really been sure before but this "new" field that I found seems very appealing to me - marketing! =P

Why I am looking into Swedish universities right now is because I don't think I have grades good enough to get an extended scholarship to continue my studies at a university in Japan.

Coming back here after almost 1.5 years is really nice, but since this years summer was very cold I have not been able to go swimming and much as I wanted!

I feel like I should take my chances in Japan as long as I can live on the scholarship but I know that in the ens my life is going to be in Sweden and there are things I can't/don't want to buy/do, etc in Japan cause I will not spend the rest of my life there. So in a way I feel like my life wont really start til I'm back in Sweden fulltime.
Though, I think these thoughts will fade once I am back in Japan.

Weird post. Anyway, cya soon Japan!

Jul 21, 2015

Fish in a bottle - in a vending machine - in Japan (bcuz where else)

When we went to visit a friend in Suminodou, Osaka we found this weird vending machine.
At first silly me thought it was a drink - with a fish in it!

But not quite, turns out it's actually a sauce and they have even written on the machine what foods you could use it for and it's actually not that expensive.

So if you wanna buy this weird fish sauce.. just go to Suminodou and you will probably find it if you take a walk straight forward from the station.

(It was dark outside so the pictures are pretty bad)

What I wanna know is - can you eat the fish once you are done with the sauce?? Will I ever know.. ?

Even more Pokémon!!

Third (?) visit to the Pokémon Center in Umeda. Just wanted to dump all of these pictures here for the future me's enjoyment!