Mar 8, 2015

Getting ready to end it all

Can't believe it when I hear it but there are only around 5 days left until we have our graduation ceremony. After that we are no longer students at a Japanese Language School, but instead to be students of trade schools, universities etc.

We who are here on the monbusho scholarship had to take the "graduation test" which was said to be about JLPT N2-N1 level. Before we'd even had the first test the teachers told us about the "re-test" (what is the word for it in Eng?), and there wasn't just one but 2 of them. If you fail one time you do it a second time, and if you fail a second time you do it a third time!
But luckily I passed on the first try so now I can spend the rest of my days chillaxing!

...Well, almost! I still have my apartment and my next school to think about.
Yesterday I went to Jome Center Konan (which is the cheapest store to get pretty much anything for your apartment, etc) and got - a bed, gas stove, clothes rack, table, lamps, futon etc etc for a total of 50.000 yen which I considered being quite a lot but apparently it isn't all too bad.
I'm not done shopping tho, after this I gotta buy a desk and a chair which I will get from amazon.

Also wondering if I should get a vacuum cleaner because one of the rooms in my new apartment has tatami floor and when I got the apartment I asked the real estate agent if tatami is easy to clean and they were like "Yea ofc! Just clean it like you clean normal floors!", but even though I haven't even moved in yet I know that isn't true! I have already read so many horror stories about molding tatami online now that I am wondering if I will ever make it.
To keep it extra clean I'd need a vacuum cleaner and then do the extra tatami care stuff.

Then after the big shopping I will just need the little things one need for a new apartment. Then start to put all my furniture together and call the internet, gas and electric companies before I move in.

Also, the next school thing. I need to send all these letters to all these different places and also pay around 37.000 for my first years supply of books, etc for learning.

So life isn't very calm yet I guess, right now there is a lot I need to keep track of and it's all new to me so I gotta work it!

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