Jun 22, 2015

Japanese peoples hatred for the sun

In Sweden to be outside and get tanned is seen as a good thing. It makes you "look healthy" and such and if you have been outside of the country and don't come back tanned people will call you out on it. You will almost be made to feel ashamed that you aren't tanned. 
You had the chance to be out in the sun but you didnt take it?!
Of course you can get a tan in Sweden to if you really work it, and in the summer if you are not outside you are totally wasting your time. You are letting your summer run out in the sand. So to show that you've been outside enjoying the summer and sun you should allow yourself to get a tan.

But in Japan people hate tans. They want white skin at all costs! Why? Because as I think you know being white shows that you are rich because you don't have to be out all day in the sun to work. Sure but that doesn't really work in todays world I think. You can just walk around with your UV-umbrella that is a very cheap investment even the worst payed person around could afford.
Even so people hold on to this notion that white is beautiful.

Until just a few days ago I actually couldn't put my finger on why tanned skin is considered desireable in my country. I could only think of reasons like the ones above. But then I heard that it is because having a tan probably means that you have been traveling to another country, which means that you have money to travel which means that you are not poor!
So on both ends it all comes down to the money. Wow, what a world.

Anyway, I've probably mentioned before how a lot of Japanese people cover up during the summer. They buy special umbrellas that are supposed to protect them from UV rays. They wear long gloves that cover half their arms. They often wear long sleeved shirts and long pants even when it's hella hot.
Light version of what I was mentioning

But it's not just Japan. My Vietnamese friend showed my how motorbikecyclists wrapped up like they were going to a nuclear plant! My friend said that it's normal and it's to protect yourself but, no, that way of doing it is not to just protect yourself it is perposefully to keep your skin white.
Couldn't find the pictures my friend showed my so I got this one, which could also be considered a lighter version of what mentioned

Also you may have seen the face-kini's that some people from china (?) used to protect their skin with.

Honestly I think this is going too far and I really feel like you are ruining your summer by spending the whole time carrying an umbrella or wearing thick layers of clothing, or trying to get a facekini over your head.
Just put on some friggin sunscreen and get it over with! It's time to start caring about your skincolor wether you want it to be tanned or pale and just enjoy what you can of summer.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know for sure, but maybe those who wear extra protection from sunray are afraid of harmful effect from the uv. Using sunscreen needs multiple application. If we have to stay for extended period under the sun, it's probably -to me yes it is-inconvinience. Ozon is not as intact as years ago, there are lots of whole here and there, which means direct UV A and B exposure. It causes so many damages to our skin, name it premature aging up to skin cancer.
    But to whay extent they are going to armour themself it would be vary from one to another.

    White or fair flawless skin is Asian beauty standard as far as I know. Maybe that's why they do that. I don't see any relationship with wealth image, it's merely their-asian- standard of beauty. You know majority of women are willing to do everything in order to look more appealing..

    That's my opinion though:)
