Jun 2, 2015

Japanese people think I'm cool??

It's been a while since I started my school life at Osaka Sougou Design Senmongakkou and I guess I am just starting to get used to things. I still forget what we are supposed to bring to lessons a lot of the time. Still haven't really figured out what I can eat for lunch that will acutally get me full (and the nearby convenience stores don't really have a wide selection of things to choose from). Still haven't talked to everyone in my class, but atleast I have memorized their names now and I can tell that they all are really nice people!

Even though I haven't spoken to everyone yet, there are some people I talk to and among them there is one, the first one that spoke to me during our first real school day. They said that day that they had seen me during our entrance ceremony and that they had thought I looked really cool.



No,no, you got it all wrong. Anyone can see that I am not cool! Haha.

Still they kept telling me I was cool. I guess I thought that when they get to know me better they will realize that I am not cool, because anyone can see that I am not! And that's ok!

But no, this person is still telling me that I am cool. They have also said that my blue eye, blond hair and accent when I speak in English is cool.
Sometimes they have just told me I am cool several times in a row and I don't really know how to answer.
I guess it's just this persons personality, but maybe it is that in Japan people that are clearly foreigners look cool to Japanese people even if they would be seen as totally uncool in their home country?

In Sweden I have never been considered cool and I never will. Which is totally fine. It is not something that I am aiming for, ya know! But coming to Japan and getting these words thrown at me just isn't something I am used to and it gets me thinking about this stuff.

So if you want to be cool doesn't really matter how you look or what kind of personality you have, just come to Japan and you might just find some outgoing Japanese person that wants a foreign friend that will tell you how cool you are!

1 comment:

  1. This story is cool bro! :xd
    You have COOL sense of humor, that I just found out recently. The more I know you the more COOL you are:)
    And they are right about your blue eyes, they are COOL, since BLUE is equal to water and sky which are literally COOOOOOL:P

    Keep writing and I'm waiting for your English edition book to come!
