May 26, 2015

Second visit to the Pokémon Center in Umeda

There is a Pokémon Center in Daimaru in Umeda, Osaka, Japan. And now I've been there a second time!

If you love Pokémon you should definitely visit. More than once if you have the chance, because this time when I visited they had the stuffed Pikachu I wanted but couldn't find the first time I came there.
They also had a lot of other new products, some which were very unique to say the least.

You can't really buy these "statues"(?) but they are still cool!


A very unique Pikachu


Aaand this one below here is the one I got. Now it's sleeping next to me every night just like my cat does back at home xD this Pikachu takes up a lot more space tho!

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