Jan 27, 2016

In Japan there is "homo" and there is "normal"

So in English we commonly call heterosexuals "straight" and homosexuals "gay".

In Japan tho they call gay -> homo and straight -> normal ...

Hmm, I see something a little off with that.

I've read about this before on the internet but never heard it with my own ears until yesterday when one of our teachers made a list of manga ideas they didn't want to see anymore because they are so common.
One point on the list was about Shonen-Ai (boys love manga) which the teacher just referred to as Boizu (boys) so I wasn't really sure what she was talking about first. She said that you shouldn't write a manga where you force the "normal"(straight) guy together with the "homo"(gay) guy, because that doesn't happen in real life.

"Normal guy? So you are saying the gay guy isn't normal?? Oh, now I remember, that is just how Japanese people say "straight"". It was a bit of a confusing moment for me.

I didn't get the vibe that my teacher is anti gay people, this is just the word a lot of Japanese people use. We can only wait and hope that they come up with a better word, I guess.

1 comment:

  1. Hahah, what were you doing talking about such things in class?

    I'd hate that lesson ... not in a bad way, but, um, well, you know ... >~<

    |"She said that you shouldn't write a manga where you force the
    |"normal"(straight) guy together with the "homo"(gay) guy, because
    |that doesn't happen in real life."
    That actually happens quite often. Your teacher needs to wake up. XD
