Jan 29, 2016

Tired of Japanese people thinking I'm christian

As an atheist and anti-religion person (not that I say anti-religion and not anti religious people, because I have nothing against them) it truly bugs me every time people assume that I am a christian.

When I first came to my new school one of my classmates told me that they don't believe in god or a life after this so they really wanna do whatever they want with their life as to not have any regrets about it. I told them that "Oh, I am also an atheist!" and they were like: "Huh? Really? I thought everyone from over there where you live were religious."
I told them that Sweden, where I am from, is the most non-religious country on earth with around 90% of the population being atheist/agnostic/non-religious. Their answer: "Oh, I thought Japan was the most non-religious country."

What? Seriously? No way José.

This Tuesday, the teacher I mentioned in a previous post, had on their list of things that too often appear in students manga: angels. They gave a short description of how people usually draw manga-angels now-o-days and then proceeded to ask me:
"Where you live there are lots of churches right?"
Me: "Uh, I guess, idk."
Teacher: "So there must be lots of angels right? How do they look?"
Me: "Uhm, no I haven't seen any angels to be honest." (Cuz even if there are churches in Sweden they usually don't come with any angels, unlike in Italy for example)
Teacher: "Oh, really? But your country is chatolic, right?"
Me: "No, definitely not."

Really! Not just christian but even chatolic x_x.

If you can even call Sweden a christian nation it's of the protestant division. There is a big difference.
Though I don't think it's fair to call Sweden a christian nation since almost no one is a christian. We should just call it an atheist nation if you wanna be like that. Or just, "we want critical thinking not religion-nation-plz".

When you meet a Swede, if you have to assume something about their religion, you should assume that they have none. Because you have a 90% chance of being correct in that assumtion.
While the assumtion that we are christians is most likely dead wrong.

Not even my grandparents are religious. Marriage is not something that everyone does in Sweden, and most people who do it, don't involve a church in it.

I don't wanna hear everyones suprise anymore when I tell them I'm an atheist. I just wish people had a clue about the non-religious countries aswell. I mean, take any country and most people can tell you what religion they have in that country. But can they tell you any countries with pretty much no religion? I don't think so, because they don't teach you that in the religion class at school. I think they should though, because atheism is just growing and growing as people become more educated and stuff (lol).

Sorry for rant, but rly, it's my blog. I can write w.e I want. ^^

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