Feb 9, 2016

Evolution of my manga?

(I have no idea why there are so many giant spaces in this post)
I made this manga about a Japanese high schooler called Mizuki (who makes a wish in a wishing well to be a super hero, and end up with a double personality) years ago! A few years(?) later I remade it on my computer, but I had no idea how manga was really made so I really just improvised.
But now I've finally been able to remake this manga in the real traditional manga way!
So lets look at some comparisons shall we!

So Mizuki turns into Hiroki when he senses danger
But Hiroki isn't a very nice guy and would if possible,
want to get rid of Mizuki completely, lol

 So these 3 are the oldest the "original" and I don't even remember how old I was when I drew these.. 13? Dunno tho.

These are all in Swedish tho =P

Mizuki is gonna make a wish, but in this version kinda fails o.0 and why is he using Swedish money?? Cuz I didn't know what Japanese money looked like, ok!
Mizuki and Yuuto in the last frame
Here Yuuto's name was Nanba tho, haha, guess who had just
watched Hanakimi, and also didn't know that Nanba is a city in Osaka
Who could've known I would end up living near Nanba, lol :')

Ok so next version is a shorter version that I made for a manga drawing competition (which I obviously didn't win cuz I sucked lol) In this version he never turned into the other personality tho, so no drawings of him.

Yuuto and Mizuki walking home
The ending: He got the girl =P
Makin dat wish again!

Dreaming? o.0
 Did this all in photoshop I think
I hope for my next manga I make for school I can use the computer to put on tones. It would make everything so much easier (and cheaper)!

You can see on these I've gotten a little better at drawing but I'm still not very good.

I am actually suprised that the tones don't look all too bad tho. Even tho it was my first try ever! :)

Now time for the most recent version! Unfortunately I only have photos of it, not a scanned version, sorries.

Make a wish! Mizuki and Yuuto
Something is going on! o.0

 Just handed this in today x_x
I feel that it looks better than the first manga I made for this school I go to now. But I still have a long way to go.

Compared to the 2 versions above tho this is a big step up, atleast in the drawing of the characters. They look a lot more grown up.
Ofc, I still have a long way to go.

Got some super powers I guess!
Hiroki and Yuuto

This is the end of this manga for now.
I already have an idea for what I am going to do next and I hope it turns out the way I want it too :)

It feels good to be able to look at these and see the progress I've made, because it makes me realize how much better I've gotten even in a short time! I looked at some other drawings I made just last year and comparing that to what my drawings look like now, there is a big difference! So what about next year, eh? And all those after that! Maybe some day even I will be really good.

Just gotta keep tryin'!

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