Feb 22, 2016

End of my first year at Osaka Sogo Design

Today we got to see if we passed all our courses and got to move on to the second year, and I passed everything (which was expected ofc, lol, I haven't been slacking off!).
But I know that atleast one person, maybe a few more, will not move on to the second year. They have just been skipping school too much and not doing the homework etc. One guy who had been going to school and done pretty well just started to slack off more and more and the last few weeks he didn't bother coming at all. He left a gift (lol) for his closest friend in the class, his folder, which the teacher gave to the friend today.

It's pretty sad that some people who used to belong to our class will not be there next year, and I don't get what they are thinking when they pay a shit ton of money to go to this school, just to skip classes and quit after a year.

Anyway, this first year has been pretty relaxed, except for the last month which was just crammed with manga drawing. I got through it though and handed in my manga in time.

Now all that's left is the exhibition of our works, though I am not really sure what exactly they will be showing. I think they only choose good works/finished works because today the teacher told us whose works from our still life will be displayed, and mine was one of them of only 7 people or something. And I think they chose us because we actually finished it on time and did a pretty good job too.

Well, right now I am just counting down the days til my family gets here and until they come I'm gonna be pacing my room impatiently waiting! Cya!

1 comment:

  1. Bra jobbat, fortsätt på samma sätt och njut av tiden du är där. :) /Lodde
