Mar 19, 2016

Dad's vacation in Japan

It's been a while since I made a blog post now because my dad has been here with me in Japan for the past 2 weeks. We have been doing things pretty much every day like going to Kyoto, Nara, Koyasan and different places all around Osaka.
Thus I haven't been using my computer much at all and since my dad didn't bring his computer I let him use mine most of the time while I myself used my tablet.
But it's hard to write a blog post on a tablet, so I mostly watched youtube videos and stuff.

Now my dad's vacation in Japan is nearing it's end and he is leaving early tomorrow, which sucks. After this it will be another 6 months before we hopefully can meet again.
But on the bright side, I will only have to be alone for 3 days now and after that my mother and siblings will come stay with me for 20 days, which will probably be both exhausting and fun.